
February 05, 2009

GAPS diet Day 3 and 4

Well variations of all the allowed foods were eaten for breakfast and snacks. It's lunch and dinner which take a bit of planning and thinking. And of course, my old rule of only going to the supermarket once a week still stands - so even when I think we're getting to the bottom of things and surely there isn't a meal in the cupboard, I manage to surprise myself and turn out something successful.

Due to Nathan's hunger, food seems to be a continual thing around here. He seems to need to eat about every half hour which can be tiring (for me lol). Daily they are getting their Cod Liver Oil in orange juice, vitamin C powder and now probiotic powder too to aid in healing the gut).

Nathan's menu yesterday...

Breakfast: Banana and a brazil nut

Snack: Carrot sticks with peanut butter, scrambled egg in olive oil

Lunch: vegetable soup made in homemade beef stock - pumpkin, leek, spring onion, carrots.

Snack: Left over lentil patties from yesterday, banana, cashew nuts, kiwifruit

Dinner: Chops cooked in the crockpot - coated in honey, mustard, ginger, stock from soup, rosemary. Kids had theirs served with avocado and tomato and Simon and I had sauteed cabbage, carrot, ginger and garlic.


Breakfast: pumpkin vegetable soup from the freezer

Snack: Banana, nectarine, carrots sticks and peanut butter

Lunch: Panfried fish with herbs, garlic and olive oil.

Snack: scrambled egg in olive oil, brazil nut, carrot sticks.

Dinner: Fritatta - eggs mixed with pumpkin water, pumpkin, silverbeet, spring onion, onion, garlic, courgette, tinned salmon, olive oil.

Well, so far so good! Today we saw some success of the diet (without going into too many details lol and even little Miss D has benefited by losing a pot belly (as in bloated) that she's had forever even though this wasn't initially for her, only I didn't really twig that anything was up - so double yay).

So hopefully we're onto something here as far as gut healing and I'll maintain the diet for a few days and see that things remain like this. Then my next food to introduce will be some yoghurt that will be cultured for 24hrs.

And in case you're wondering - the random Brazil Nut (yes singular lol) is for Selenium which our New Zealand soils are low in. Other sources of selenium seem to be via wheat and legumes which do not feature in our diet pre GAPS and certainly not now (yes we eat meat, but it's more a precautionary thing rather than me knowing that he's deficient).


Johanna Knox said...

Heya - what do you think causes the pot belly? Was it general stuff? Or specifically starchy stuff? Or grains? Or a lack of other stuff?

Nik said...

Johanna, I'm really not too sure. But the benefit of eating a diet that has already eliminated a few food groups (grains, dairy and starch) it gives us a good base to go from when I do reintroduce. So could just be an intolerance - she never complained of issues, but I did suspect her belly being larger than normal for this age. Another thing could be salicylates which is a nautrally occuring on a lot of fruit and vegetables. So i will keep an eye on any out of the ordinary foods we eat and see what happens.

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