
February 19, 2009

By request...Lentil Patties

OK, so I'm not very specific with my recipes anymore, they are kind of a throw together and whatever is on hand gets used.

This was the original recipe though...

1 cup of lentils (I use red) soaked for 10mins and rubbed free of starch, rinsed well
2 carrots grated
1/2 cup parsley
3 spring onions
2 cloves garlic
1 tsp lemon rind
1 egg
1/2 cup breadcrumbs
Oil for cooking

Boil the lentils until cooked (red lentils only take about 10mins). I have been boiling mine up in chicken or meat stock and just cooking till they absorb the liquid (I guess I use about 500mls of liquid).

Depending on what you have on hand (I don't have any parsley at the moment and spring onions only sometimes arrive in the vege box) I will substitute in onion (which I will chop finely and saute till soft with the garlic), or silverbeet/spinach chopped finely or grated courgette etc. I don't use breadcrumbs but add in some nut flour to thicken slightly.

Combine all ingredients together and if it is a batter type consistency I just drop if off a spoon into the hot pan.


Anonymous said...

Great - thanks for the recipe! No broth around here but I'll try cooking the lentils with a bay leaf - I'm still amazed at how a simple leaf can make lentils taste meaty!

We made your banana pancake thingies for lunch the other day - Unfortunately I really liked them.. a shame because I can't really eat more than one!

Nik said...

I think a bayleaf sounds much more appealing than meaty broth lol. It's just a way for me to incorporate the stuff hehe.

Why can't you eat more than one banana pancake? But then ours come out pikelet size so one seems tiny lol.

Rach said...

That looks really good. I was just wondering what to do with my bag of red lentils.

Lynda Eichler said...

Thanks Nikki! Made these yesterday and my 'anti-lentil' children ate them and actually enjoyed them !! For me, it was the lemon peel sensation. Very Yum !!!