
January 24, 2009

Where are you Magpie??

Magpie the chicken did a runner this afternoon.

We wandered down to the garden to let the chickens out, Magpie was acting a bit odd, but opened up the coop and no sooner had I turned my back that I noticed the head chicken Moon calling for one of her brood. The kids and I scouted around looking for Magpie but she was not to be seen.

Hmmmm, I had noticed some missing eggs yesterday after hearing one of the chickens squarking like crazy which is the noise she makes when laying an egg. So assumed she had set up a wee nest elsewhere.

After about 10mins I spotted her hiding in the hedge underneath some trellis and after shooing her out, I found 4 beautiful eggs in there. I have decided not to keep them though since there have been a few days where they've not been out so for there to be four there makes them kinda old. But at least I know where to check now.

And that 10mins in the summer sun is just what our skin needed - Nathan has been found to be Vitamin D deficient due to the nephrotic syndrome, so I'm working on getting short daily doses of good sun onto him.


Stephanie said...

Glad you found her nesting spot!

Johanna Knox said...

Hi Nikki - I was wondering if you are already taking or have already considered cod liver oil for N? Neither of mine will take it in any form whatsoever (not even capsules) - but you might have more luck! x

Nik said...

Stephanie, yeah, it was such a cute little spot too!

Johanna, yes we're doing the CLO too which is what I was sourcing from Rebecca. I must have freaky kids - N prefers it right off the spoon (over and done with quickly rather than sipping at it lol) and D drinks hers in freshly squeezed orange juice or milk or even straight occasionally.

Nancy said...

My little Sweet Pea got left out one evening when I was closing up the coop. I though I had counted them all and was on my way to the house when I looked back and saw her chasing up the path to the house. She knew she had been locked out and was desperately trying to catch my attention.