
January 05, 2009

Gardening catch-up

Oh, poor garden has been really neglected!

Today I transferred some seedlings (tomato (maybe a bit late), courgette, celery, brassica's, a bean, spinach and silverbeet) into one of the beds that needed some filling up.

I've got the chickens rotating on the garden beds now, so there are a few new beds for them to go on to and one that will be vacated soon.

I now have one potato patch entirely clear and dug over one and a half other beds to put more seeds in once the chickens are done. We're loving the potatoes and have been pretty much digging for potatoes as we need them.

The only other vegetable I'm regularly harvesting is my red onions, but have a couple more cabbages & cauliflowers ready and broccoli's not too far off. The tomatoes are coming along well and some of the plants the fruit are starting to lighten up and going pink. Still no sign of my corn cobs developing, but have noticed the stems fattening up in places, so I'm sure they're there ready to do their thing soon. The beans and pumpkins have almost taken over the corn patches, and it's quite cool to see them winding and growing up the corn stalks. Definitely a neat way to grow vertically and maximise the use of space.

Consulting my little local planting diary suggests more carrots, beetroot, brassicas, and lettuce (and a few other things that I don't have seeds for anyway).

So I think I'll go hard on some more carrots coz they have certainly gone down a treat with the kids and consequently we have no full grown ones left LOL!


Anonymous said...

One thing I learned about gardening: patience. But it still happens each time: I can't wait to see all of what I planted grow!

Anonymous said...

mmmm baby carrots. I knew my garden was missing something!