It's kicked in. It seems that after Christmas is over I get this strong desire to get surplus things out my house before the New Year arrives.
It's not like we actually added much new stuff to the house, but I just get this feeling come over me that it's a good time to do a little decluttering and almost like it's a positive statement to the new year that that is how we will live for the next year.
I love the feeling of a freshly decluttered room. Even if I can't *see* the difference (as in, all I needed to do was get rid of surplus from the kids drawers and cupboards) I can feel the lightness. Probably in my head, but good none the less.
So far I have 4 bags of too small or out of season clothes of the kids to hand on and a large overflowing box of miscellaneous items from around the house that can be donated.
December 26 has always been my day to sweep away the clutter as well. I think with all the busyness and extras of the Christmas season, your will to pare down and simplify gets a good boost forward. In recent years we have decided not to get involved with the commercial side of the Christmas Holidays and just focus on family, home and the real reason for the season...the advent of Jesus into the world and the promise for newness of life He brings.
Isn't it good! This time of year knocks me around a bit...I can't seem to accept all the over-consumption that goes on within our culture. My way to cope is to de-clutter and it's such a good feeling isn't it!
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