
December 27, 2008

Back to the handmade

Today I was putting together a few wee gifts for a friend who had a baby a few days before Christmas. I had my friend's gift wrapped at the shop, but then had a few tumbled stones for her older girls that I wanted to package up nicely - ideally in a little taffeta style bag - only I didn't have any. I then decided to make a few little gift bags from the rest of the scrapbook papers that I'd used to make Danielle's bunting and came up with these.

Although I've never been into scrapbooking nor had any interest to, I felt inspired a few weeks back to do some very simple layouts with all my photos of the kids. The photo album they were in was tatty and torn and needed redoing anyway, so it was timely that I discovered pretty papers to do that with. I've finally caught up and just awaiting my next batch of photos to arrive.

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