
November 16, 2008

A time for identification

Today we caught up on some tidying up of the yard.

Random branches were removed from the garden area which had been taken over by couch grass.

The paths and surrounding areas received a spruce up with a combination of line trimmer, lawnmower and handmower depending on the state of the overgrowth.

I tidied up the herb gardens a little and took photo's of everything that's now growing. I'm loving all the lovely flowers and frangrances that they're letting off.

It's time to identify a bunch of others now that they are big enough since I either lost my labels along the way or got lazy and just started putting seeds in places without labelling. In the garden somewhere there should be Marshmallow, Valerian, Calendula, Feverfew, Rue, Woodworm, Borage, Angelica, Cornflower, german Chamomile, Echinacea, Evening Primrose - some probably lost and never made it...




Nancy said...

Love your painted rocks in the herb bed border! We are in a very rocky area, and the first few years here...and still...I have collected rocks...(I call it rock farming)...and have bordered walkways and such with them. Some are quite large...I think I will take a cue from you and paint a few...*: )

Sandra said...

Hi Nikki
Photo no. 5 in this blog post is borage.