I hadn't thought of trying Rosemary in a tea as it didn't seem too appealing, but Emmani asked in my comments whether I'd tried it out yet.
So, after consulting a few of my books I read that rosemary is a good tea to start the day as it's a physical and mental stimulant, it's good for poor circulation and improving digestion.
I added a few small sprigs to a mug (I only have a VERY small plant at this stage, so couldn't take a long sprig as the recipes suggest), added boiling water and allowed to steep for 5mins.
Overall, it was ok and refreshing - not my favourite, but not awful either. I added a half teaspoon of honey to see the difference in flavour and that was ok as well. I will try this again, but think I'll let the plant grow bigger first.
I thought of another one for you: lavender tea. I've made it out of dried lavender and it was nice. A little odd, but nice.
Cool! Will gather some flowers from playcentre when I'm next there (since my plants are still tiny) to give it a try.
I like to buy different tea bags although would like to be able to make my own someday. Moving to Germany should hopefully mean I'll at least be able to source more local herbal teas and maybe once there I'll finally be able to get an allotment to grow more of my own.
Anyway, what I really wanted to say was that very often I don't like individual teas, by which I mean teas made using just one ingredient. Mixes are what do it for me mostly as I like trying to figure out the different flavours and seeing if I can identify every one that's listed on the packet. My sister lives in France and there's a range of organic ones available there called Jardin Bio - one of theirs is called Infusion Digestion and contains lemon balm, rosemary and mint. You could try that if you have lemon balm - would be fun to play with different amounts to make completely different teas.
Hi Moonwaves, yes, definitely love the idea of mixing different blends together once I figure out what they all taste like lol. I like the sound of the lemon balm, mint and rosemary - thanks for that will give it a go!
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