
April 05, 2008

Winter preparations

After reading an online thread asking what people were doing in preparation for the coming winter, it had me thinking that we were pretty much prepared.

The fireplace has been swept, the wood and pine cones have been collected and stored over the past year (we may need more, but there is no more storage space for now anyhow), winter clothes/shoes/slippers have been assessed and a few purchases and op-shop finds made and kids pj's sorted.

I then recalled that I had an old queen size feather duvet at the top of my wardrobe that I was saving to convert into two to pop into the kids duvet covers as another layer. So today while my sewing machine was out for other projects I decided to get in and do it. I ended up with a bit of a mess as my plan to do a double row of stitching so I could cut between them to minimise the feathers backfired when I realised that the inner actually had a little separating piece that made it hard to do that.

But I got the job done and Nathan's is in place. I may need to attach ties to the corners and then on the inside of the duvet cover to hold it in place, but I'll see how it goes. Danielle probably won't need hers this winter since we still have fleece sleepsuits that were Nathan's that provide quite a layer of warmth especially since she still tends to get out of her covers and mama doesn't really appreciate the 5am wake up to pull covers up. Over winter we don't use any extra heating in the house over night (except for the heat from the woodburner that permeates through until it cools off once the fire goes out) once the kids are past a year old, but with our extra layers we'll be nice and snugly.


Gypsy said...

Wow you are really organised! We have been totally caught out by the sudden cold snap, and I have been frantically flinging clothes around the house trying to aort last winters clothes into what fits and what doesn't! No sewing serenely here. Your heat system sounds so great .. well done!

Sharonnz said...

Maybe you need to add snaps to the duvet? Let me know if you want to bring my press & some snaps next time I come over?

Nik said...

Gypsy, yeah it's strange how it's just suddenly turned cold.

Sharon, Yes! The snaps sound just the thing, didn't know you had one. LMK when you want to come up.