
April 30, 2008

Making new discoveries

Well, I've been on the hunt for new vegetarian recipes. We've become a bit tired and bored of the same old ones we've been using. The trick is to also find recipes that use up our vege box delivery or can at least be substituted (there seem to be a lot of recipes that call for mushrooms which we just don't get in our box).

So I got a library book out over the weekend and trawled through it and found a few promising recipes. I particularly liked that it was broken down into seasonal eating.

Garlic polenta and roasted vegetables - very similar to the previous post only with polenta instead of noodles. Nathan liked his, but Danielle wasn't fussed at all.

A hearty vegetable soup - a bit spicy for Danielle, but Nathan loved it and came back for seconds. Danielle ate it up the next day for lunch though - so it must have mellowed or she just happened to be in the mood for it then.

Tonight's was a pasta with sauteed vegetables and a sauce made from eggs, yoghurt and cheese. Both kids only ate the saucy pasta.

So, not the most successful, but we'll try them again. I think new foods aren't so good for Danielle at the end of the day when she's tired - and maybe need to try them as lunches and see whether that gets her taste for them.


Sandra said...

Have you got some black turtle beans Nikki? I'm gearing up to make Black bean beach soup which was divine last time. Will post recipe once I've made it this week.

Malva said...

I recently borrowed from the library "The vegetable dishes I can't live without" by Mollie Katzen. I recommend it if you can get it at your library.

These blogs also have great vegeterian recipes:

Search their archives.


Sharonnz said...

A3 is definitely not at his best at dinnertime either. Have you looked at "Feeding the Whole Family" by Cynthia Lair. The kids love stuff like her nut burgers!

Moonwaves said...

Have I recommended this blog to you before?

I've passed the link to so many people now I lose track. Lots of recipes (not necessarily vegetarian but all involving vegetables) and lots of links to other blogs and good recipe sites.

Nik said...

Sandra, no I don't have black turtle beans - where did you get those from?

Malva and moonwaves, thanks for the links, I will check those out for more inspiration.

Sharon, I'll check if my library has that one. Nut burgers sound interesting! I've tried nut loaf before but it wasn't that successful.