
February 24, 2008

Slow food was the winner

This evening Simon and I were totally not in the mood for cooking a meal. The kids had a quickie meal cooked for them and we were going to pop out later for fast food.

Well, I was down in the garden doing a bit of watering and realised there was plenty of food ready for picking and I just couldn't resist putting a meal together in my mind and looked forward to it. In the end, the thought of a fresh garden salad, corn on the cobb with melted butter, roasted potatoes with grated cheese on top and a couple of our own free range eggs just couldn't be beat.


Rach said...

Father Bear promised to cook last night....turned out to be hot chips for all of us! But M5 was down in the garden with me saying "Please couldn't we eat this cauliflower?"!!!!!!

Sandra said...

Well done Nikki. The garden wins again!

Nik said...

LOL Rach. Yeah, Nathan likes cauli too, not my favourite! The strange thing I found was that I *really* wanted to eat that dinner over the other one once I was down there amongst it all (and not coz I felt guilty it was sitting there uneaten lol) - such a cool thing to happen.