
February 11, 2008

Garden surprises

Discovered this big fella when I pulled aside a mass of leaves...not quite sure when it will be ready (and the skin looks quite green, and I'm assuming it is meant to be a grey pumpkin). THere are at least another 1/2 dozen just like this one just a few days behind in size.

This is just *so* cute! These capsicum plants feel like they're taking forever. I sowed the seeds right back at the beginning of October.

The rambling mess/mass of tomatoes and pumpkins.

My weed project - sure is keeping those weeds away!

So glad I dug my paths out back when I did - with these rambling veges now there is no way I could have got in there and done the job let alone keep the weeds in check.

1 comment:

Anoushka said...

Hey! your garden is looking great! I've been a fairly slack blooger recently too but my husband has finished hogging the computer for study now so I should be updating more often.

take care