
December 29, 2007

Summer meal #2

This afternoon after a browse of the fridge and wondering if I'd made the right decision to cancel the vege delivery box I had a burst of inspiration. The fridge was looking rather sad with only a few different things in it (more to the point, they weren't things I would usually use all together, so had to think a bit!). I've been making polenta pie for about 6mths now as a now-and-again meal, but thought I could make a tasty dinner from what we had.

Cook 1 cup polenta (cornmeal) in 3 cups of water, about 50gms butter and some salt/pepper and simmer for about 20mins (if it goes lumpy, do what I do and put the stick-whizz into it to get it smooth again).

I sauteed up halved cherry tomatoes, leek, courgette and silverbeet.

Once polenta is cooked, put it into a greased pie/flan dish (it kind of sets into a firm porridge type texture). Place the sauteed veges over the top, add some grated cheese or parmesan (or both!) and bake for 20mins.

The kids picked it over - but Simon and I enjoyed it.

There are many variations you can do for this - chopped up eggs, feta, pre-roasted cubed potatoes/pumpkin, mushrooms or whatever you have available!


Sandra said...

Looks and sounds great and meets our dietary criteria - hurray! Will try soon.

Sandra said...

Looks and sounds great and meets our dietary criteria - hurray! Will try soon.