
November 27, 2007

What *is* this?

This is really strange. I have just harvested 3 of these vege plants. They were from my first batch planted back in September. When I chose seed packets, I only chose things that I eat and know. None of my seed packets look like this and I have kept them all.

I know that they are a silverbeet - but not like the silverbeet I know! The leaves are way too round and smooth. They don't taste silverbeet-y even - just green!

Has anyone had seeds (hybrid perhaps?) do something completely different to the packet?


small pond said...

I have some of those too...did you plant bright lights chard? That is where I think it has come from. So it is just a version of silverbeet but it is much less intensely flavoured :)

Nik said...

Ahhh, yes I did! I didn't have any of coloured ones grow since I only selected 3 plants, and they were apparently were all the same lol. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

It looks like a Chinese green to me, like pak choy or something..?

Best, Helen

Minni Mum said...

Hi Nikki,

My (Fordhook Giant) silverbeet leaves looked like that when they first grew big enough to eat, but as they matured they developed into the usual long, wrinkly, more srongly-flavoured leaves.

Cheers, Julie

Nik said...

Thanks! It definitely not an asian gree - the ones I've usually seen are quite wide at the base and connected, these were thin and distinctly separate. Julie, hmmm, could be - the only thing way is that they were going to seed and have been in the garden for 3mths, so don't think they would have gone for any longer which is why I pulled them. Will be interesting to see what happens with others if they come up.