
November 30, 2007

Time to eradicate them


Spurred on by my organic horticulture course, I'm going to step up the pace on getting rid two main offenders. We are required to carry out a 10 wk project on eradicating weeds on our properties. I've got so many, I'm just going to concentrate on the following two.

Creeping buttercup is just all over my lower garden where the vege garden is - apparently a sign of bad drainage since it grows well in wet areas. I spent a few hours today/this evening pulling them out. Creeping buttercup is best kept away from your compost heap as it won't likely get hot enough to kill off any seeds present and therefore you will reinfect your garden again. Tomorrow's job will be to bag them up in a black polythene bag and let them rot/cook down for a few months to a liquid which can then be added to the compost.

The other weed I am going to concentrate on is the convolvulus (bindweed). This is also all over my property. Another one that is best kept out of the compost and will need bagging up to rot down. The tiniest bit of root will reshoot if left in the garden or plonked on the compost. The roots are a pain to get to the bottom of, they just run for ever.

Part of the problem is how I'm going to keep the paths from spreading into the vege patches. Because I have a chicken tractor which gets moved around, it's not suitable to use with raised beds. I could possibly add borders around the beds, but with the number of vege patches on the go (12 2x2m patches) that is a LOT of wood required. .

1 comment:

Anoushka said...

You'll have to let me know how you do. I'm having the same problem. Would appreciate some organic ideas. All I've read so far says to just keep digging it out ... forever!

Mine seems to be coming from one direction though so I'm going to try a huge edge guild planting. Lucky it makes good fertiliser ;>