
November 01, 2007

Kids books and self sufficiency

We've just started reading "Little House in the Big Woods" by Laura Ingalls Wilder - the first book of the Little House series.

It's been a fun read so far and every page is action packed of daily living in a self sufficient way. I don't recall reading this series when I was younger, but certainly remember the TV series. It is definitely filled with plenty of new things for Nathan to quiz me on and provokes many interesting conversations.

Nathan's new saying when Simon gets home from work is "Dad, put your gun up on the wall" as Pa Ingalls does after a hard day out in the Big Woods.


Sharonnz said...

Gives me the warm fuzzies;-) Next Simon will have to get Nathan help him "make the bullets", lol.

lilymarlene said...

I too didn't discover them until I started reading them with my son. Then every time he got one out of the library I had to read them too. Then a few years ago I bought a boxed set. I love to read them if I'm a bit under the weather.

Wendy said...

I loved those books when I was young! (also loved the tv show!) I think that will be the next book we get from the library! Thanks for reminding me of it, I think K will love it!

Anonymous said...

I've been reading this series too! I think my favourite bit in the Little House in the Big Woods is where she's decribing all the food they're storing for winter.