
November 22, 2007

Help me save my broad beans...

Eek, my poor broad beans which have been arriving in my weekly box of veges have been ending up in a very sad place... compost bin.

Terrible I know.

SO! Please share with me your best recipes or tips on what to do with them. I have to admit I have not even tried them yet. I have terrible memories from my childhood about yucky mashy grey beans served up with white sauce. I still don't do white sauce served over vegetables...

I really want to like them and who knows, maybe I'll add them into my planting plan for next year!


Anonymous said...

Hi Nikki- I like to peel off the tough outer layer of the bean (just make a cut along one side with a knife and the skin will slide off) and just eat them raw in salads.

Or, peel, quickly blanch in boiling water and add to any hot dish at the end of cooking, just before serving - this way the broad beans stay nice and green and 'toothsome' and don't go grey, mealy and soggy like those in your memory.


gary said...

Hello Nikki,

We shell them; blanch for a few minutes; cool them off; then peel them to get rid of the grey, slightly waxy covering and then saute in olive oil with some garlic.

Time-consuming, but tasty.

Regards, Gary

Nik said...

Thanks for the ideas! I took the outer skin off some (didn't know to do that, so thanks for the tip) and popped them into a mince dish at the end of cooking tonight and they were quite nice. Definitely didn't taste the same as I remember, but I do need to get used to the sharp taste of them. And yay, no more grey lol. Keep the ideas coming!

small pond said...

We grew broad beans this year over winter. I blanched them and froze them, which works well. When you need them you dunk them in hot water and the skins come of easily. You can make a dip out of them, use them in falafels, chuck them in risotto...mmm mashed with feta, basil and olive oil on toasted bread...

Rach said...

We just take the outer skin off - but then we are eating them straight out of the garden! Our favourite way is lightly fried in butter with onions and garlic with a tiny bit of sour cream swirled through at the end (bacon is a great addition too, but not if you're cutting down on meat!)