
October 16, 2007

Nathan's living the good life

Nathan enjoys looking at the pictures of "Caleb" in my Living the Good Life Book - guess he sees the fun photos of things that he's up to. So today he wanted to have his photo taken holding *our* chicky eggs just like Caleb!

We're up to 2 a day now, so I feel the girls are getting the right amount of protein needed.


Melanie Rimmer said...

Cute photo.

Linda Cockburn said...

Wow Nathan!
Caleb thinks it's amazing that someone would want to look like him. Especially when you have dark hair... Caleb would love to have hair like you.

Hope you enjoy eating the eggs!

Linda and Caleb

Nik said...

Cheers Linda! I'm still enjoying your book, and then wanting to read of your adventure in Tasmania when I get a chance.