
September 09, 2007

My circle of friends

The lovely Sharon has awarded me with this...

"...for those bloggers who are nice people and good blog friends - those who bring good feelings and inspiration. Also for those who are a positive influence on our blogging world."

I have found blogging to be so much more rewarding that I ever anticipated. The friendships and people I have *met* in blogging-land have really added in such a positive way to my network of friends.

Two lovely ladies I have blogged alongside and known to some degree prior to blogging who I would like to nominate are:

Sandra - love reading about your garden and you're such a strong insprirational woman and I am pleased to know you.

Anoushka - the friend who I really want to meet one day soon! A blog that started off about a sad little garden, has become a large happy-garden-to-be.



Anonymous said...

Oh cheers! You are so sweet. Can I nominate you again? After all, it's mostly your fault I started ;>

Sandra said...

awwww thank you Nikki.