
August 28, 2007

And while I'm talking of being fulfilled...

I would never have thought blogging would do it for me either! Ha! What is it about blogging? I've never been one to write a journal, so it's not just about recording stories or information necessarily.

It's better or more personal than belonging to message boards in some ways. Maybe coz it's all about me (lol, which in itself is weird since I'm an introvert) and just knowing that I have people who come here to read up on what I have to say or ramble about - why I ask myself hehe!?

Anyway, here's to all my readers who are following along in this journey. This isn't the most profound or intelligent blog you will find, but it's *me* and it's good to know you all and get replies and encouragement from your comments.


Rach said...

*waves wildly at Nikki*
I blogged more-or-less the same sentiments yesterday! So will ti be the lunar ecclipse today?

Nik said...

Ah yes, I was meant to add a "I was reading over at's Rach's..." lol which is what partly inspired my post! No, nothing from me about lunar eclipses - I didn't get a good view from my house - hence not getting my kids up to look ;).

Sandra said...

Curious buzz, blogging. Yours is the one which really prompted me to start my own.

Yellow said...

You're on my favorites list, after I found you on beansprouts. I like the way blogging helps me keep momentum, and it's an easy way to refer back and see how far you've come. Keep it going.