
June 30, 2007

Oh how times have changed!

I went out today for a few hours by myself - it's been a few weeks since I got out of the house without children with last weekend having been sick which is my usual chance to get out.

Once upon a time (not so long ago really), I would have spent this time browsing in clothes and shoe shops just for fun. Doesn't really seem that way to me anymore. I still like to look nice, but no longer have a desire to "shop". I do still like bookshops though!

I had been online this morning sussing out what new library books I was wanting and went off to stock up once Simon returned from work. So my new additions are:

How to Store Garden Produce: The key to self sufficiency
The Complete Book of Self Sufficiency
Creative Sustainable Gardening in New Zealand

I then went over to the garden shop and stocked up on *heaps* of seed packets! Nineteen to be exact. I noticed on the back of the packets that there is a dividing line on a map of NZ which indicates when the seeds can be planted - where I live is smack bang in the middle of the warm and cool zone - the guy in the shop said that we are classed as warm (which I suspected), so am pleased to hear that. Will mean longer growing periods for us!


Sue said...


Would you recommend this book?


Nik said...

All 3 books were ok and had a few good things in them. Depends what you're after exactly. They weren't books that I would go and purchase I don't think...