
May 20, 2007

More on energy...

For someone who worked 5yrs for this country's state owned enterprise that manages the National Grid (and in a role that was directly related to maintaining and upgrading assets, new projects and managing the budgets), I'm a bit embarassed to say that I'm fairly clueless about it all. I did my job well, I just didn't take a lot of interest outside of what I needed to do back then.

So, since we're upgrading our hot water cylinder, I thought I'd reassess our energy retailer and have been off doing comparisons and particularly looking at "green" providers.

Once having identified our local company, I was then able to plug in our latest details here, which then gave me the cheapest company to go with - and yay for us, they are the same!

Since energy is pooled, you are not actually buying back "green" units that have been produced by your company, but the aim being that you are paying your $$ to a company that you support and that cares about the future instead of supporting a company that provides "dirty" energy.

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