
May 24, 2007

100 Things you can do for Peak Oil

After coasting along for a while after having read The Long Emergency and watching End of Suburbia and feeling a bit glum with the state of what it will all possibly mean for us all, I have been on the search for positive action-plan type sites to give help inspire me into action.

I came across this site with a list of things you can do that will help your family towards living a sustainable life yet taking into account the lack of oil to get you places, lack of oil to manufacture things that you might need, lack of oil to import those things to your country etc.

I am grateful for the house and land that we own (well the bank still owns a small portion which I do feel a need to try and eliminate as soon as possible). Our property is a 1/4 acre section - I plan to put our permaculture garden into a 12m x 12m portion of it; there is a large watertank underneath our front porch from the times of no town supply; there is even a bore (this however does need a new pump and also the actual bore assessed); we have a woodburner with cooktop which we would be able to cook on and heat water.

I am going to make a committment to picking at least one item a week to focus on achieving/assessing/purchasing/making so we can get ourselves into a better place to cope with whatever may be thrown at us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your progress is inspiring ;>

That's a great site! I was just about to post about it on my blog but you nicked the idea right out of my brain ;>

Have you seen ?

take care