
April 04, 2007

Get that Apple Cider Vinegar into ya!

I have read and known of the many benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) for a while. One evening I chanced across a book on a NZ auction website and was able to purchase it for a good price. It was an eye-opener and exciting read (if not also a little wacky hehe).

Easy to implement - but not so easy to stick with!

So, my first attempt lasted maybe a week or so. Nathan was even into it and called it "juice". He'd have his daily glass of a tablespoon of ACV mixed into warm water.

After hearing some recent success stories of using ACV I thought I'd jump back on the wagon and give it another go. I think first time around I failed because I wasn't doing it for any particular reason, so wasn't able to monitor any changes. This time, I have realised my skin is quite prone to being pimply, mainly hormonal reasons, but I thought it would be a good trial to see if this can help.

Here are some of the many claimed benefits of taking a daily dose of ACV:

Rich miracle enzymes and potassium
Natural antibiotic and germ fighter
Helps control and normalise weight
Improves digestion and assimilation
Helps relieve arthritis and stiffness
Relieves dry and sore throats
Helps remove body toxins
Helps promote a youthful body
Helps maintain healthy skin
Sooths sunburn, shingles and bites
Helps prevent dandruff, baldness and itching scalp
Soothes tight, aching muscles and joints

There are many websites full of information surrounding ACV (as with anything) - the majority of it promoting ACV and some disputing some of the claimed benefits out there. To me, there is nothing to lose by giving it a go, ACV is natural and safe and is the only vinegar I stock in my pantry now regardless taking a daily medicinal dose.

Hey, if you like it, and have excess apples, maybe you could brew some of your own??


Rach said...

Hmmmm I fell off the bandwagon after a few months....tomorrow starts a new phase for us;-) Thanks for the renewed inspiration.

Johanna Knox said...

Oh briliant!!! We have a super prolific old apple tree in our back yard!!! Way more apples than we can use every year - had never thought of making ACV. Maybe we could make some this year, and swap a bottle or two with you for some ginger beer???


Anonymous said...

Apple cider vinegar is great! We made our own from apple peels and cores. It turned out great and was actually very easy to make. We didn't save the mother when we poured off the finished product, but next time we will. I think that using the mother as a starter the apples will turn to vinegar much more quickly. We are farming organically on a smallholding and aiming to be self-sufficient too. We give it to our animals (in their water) - chickens, goats and dogs.