
April 03, 2007

Natural healthcare

This is a broad topic and means something different to everybody as there are so many different aspects or types of natural healthcare available, but I thought I'd share what we use to help keep our family healthy when illness strikes.

I've been interested in various types of alternative healthcare for probably 10yrs. It's been a gradual process, but is something that just feels right to us.

I've personally had great success with acupuncture in the past. It's not something I rely on, but I used it as a last result for an old back injury (why oh why does alternative healthcare gets used as a last resort?) that once and truely dealt with it.

Homeopathy was the next thing I was introduced to in 2001. I met a friend who was studying towards becoming a practitioner, so she recommended to me a local homeopath. This has been the best things that we have introduced to our family in way of everyday healthcare. I initially use a Classical Homeopath to get what is called a constitutional remedy which is a match for each individual person - it takes into account personality traits, likes/dislikes, emotions/feelings, injuries, past injuries, family history etc. This is used to balance the person. Then, if a person is feeling out of sorts or comes down ill with an acute condition, a remedy can be prescribed taking into account all the symptoms - two different people suffering from the same illness may well end up with a different remedy based on their own personality differences or how their body reacts to the illness. I also have a Home First Aid Kit that I use in conjunction with a good book for helping determine what remedy is needed for things mostly for the kids such as being unsettled, teething, ear infections, fevers etc.

Osteopathy was something I was recommended by my homeopath to help treat general body aches and pains. I have found this gentle hands on approach beneficial through both pregnancies, shortly after birth to get the body realigned from being pregnant and the birth and both kids were seen while a newborn (Nathan had specific issues that were treated, and Danielle had a checkup just to see that her spine/neck/digestive system etc were all in good balance after the birth).

Between homeopathy and osteopathy we have so far coped with all illnesses that have come our way. I like to visit our doctor for a diagnosis and our doctor is very homeopath friendly in that she recommends a natural approach first up and then provides a antibiotic prescription (if needed) as a backup plan. We've never needed the backup plan yet!

We have daily things that we do to keep the body in top health, that will be another post.


Margo said...

So if you were talking to a total beginner, interested in alternative healthcare but completely lost as to where to start... what would you recommend?

Nik said...

Hi Margo, well I guess it depends on what your goal is by using natural alternatives. For us it is only be putting natural things into our bodies and avoiding all drugs if possible and trusting that the body has the ability to heal under balanced conditions. As a beginner, if you wanted to get into using homeopathy yourself where you are comfortable prescribing at home, I would definitely go and have a professional homeopathic consultation to get a feel for what they do, how the remedies work, and the results you get. Then you will be more informed on whether it is the path you choose to follow. HTH.