
March 29, 2007

Menstrual cups, cloth pads, cloth nappies...

(Image borrowed from the Redrag website)

Exciting topic! Well, I've been a cloth nappy user since Nathan was born. I've had varying success and implemented a few minor changes along the way, but we've stuck it out and I'm pleased on so many levels.

Initially, financial reasons were the driver, but over time, environmental reasons and the desire to keep all those disposable chemicals away from my kids butts was a biggy! Thanks to the Nappy Network I have not only learnt so much about cloth nappies, but have become a lot more environmentally aware. I have also become a part of a community of similar minded people (if not also very different in many aspects) who have enhanced my life in many, many ways.

The Nappy Network (TNN) have also introduced me to menstrual cups (such as the Mooncup) and cloth pads.

So, last night I hosted a party! Woohoo! A cloth pad and menstrual cup party none the less - move over Tupperware! A few of us knew what these were, but there were a few newcomers.

Go the cloth!

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