
August 14, 2007

Flying by the seat of my pants...

It's the mode I feel I travel in at the moment with the whole gardening thing!

I've come to realise I'm a just-in-time learner. And I don't see that as a bad thing - well not for the majority of the time anyway.

I do know some who do consider it a reckless and risky approach for themselves and they would never do it.

The great thing about being a JITL is that I rarely suffer from procrastination due to the fact I don't get too stuck on a problem that I need to learn all there is before I launch into said project if there is no time to do that (and often choose not to read up heaps prior anyway in some cases - as in gardening). I feel motivated to learn what I want to know and then often trail off in a completely different direction to which I was heading, and if I'm still interested (or remember!) in the original reason for seeking information I return back to it. I keep on delving as much as I feel I need to or want to and stop when I've absorbed all I need at that time.

Now, with my garden - this completely applies. Before embarking on this project I had VERY limited knowledge about anything gardening. I created a tiny square foot garden last December and followed the instructions (on the day I wanted to make it!) and just did it. I didn't bother to learn anymore at that time.

So fast forward to March this year when I decided a large-scale garden was going to be our next project. I knew I wanted chickens and I knew I wanted to start planting in Spring - I had read one book The Permaculture Home Garden to get me inspired and gain a little all-round knowledge. So I had a bit of a wait till Spring, but it also gave me a deadline, and there was minimal preparation I could do in that time (considering my chickens were going to "do the weeding" for me). So basically I did nothing over winter until time started closing in and I needed to build the chicken coop, prepare my garden plan and studied up on how to get successional planting working for me. Then time approached (as per my plan) when I needed to buy my seeds and plant them out into seed trays. And now I've reached the point of transplanting the seedlings into the garden beds.

So, here I am! I know nothing beyond this point!

Some of the pitfalls of JITL:

- Sometimes I need to know the answer *right now* and I don't yet have the knowledge and need to put things on hold to learn about it or ask around for an answer

- Couple JITL with impulsiveness and I occasionally end up with making decisions with no knowledge and hence my flying by the seat of my pants...

- Stuff ups - 'nuff said

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this! I've actually been thinking about it over the last couple of days and I've realised that I'm a just-in-case learner. Which means I've read an awful lot of gardening literature lately but have not put a single thing in the ground! Should learn from my son really. The other day he took half a pack of sunflower seeds, shook them over his bit of garden and stamped them roughly into the ground. He's probably going to have great success out there this summer.

Hope your seedlings were ok after the frost the other night!
