
August 03, 2011


On Tuesday we observed and celebrated Imbolc here in the Southern Hemisphere. According to my moon calendar it was the 2nd August, but it seems there is a lot of information that states it's either the 1st or 2nd or both!

So anyway, Spring is on the way! The earth is waking up, the days are continuing to get longer (and at a faster pace now), and I see signs of spring everywhere I go.

I've been walking the kids to and from school this week and it's been so nice to go at that slow pace and take it all in. I've seen a lot of Jasmine vines all coming into flower, as well as daffodils and many other plants that have been in hibernation over winter. My own plum tree is now in full blossom.
Photo taken this morning before the
 sky completely clouded over.

Over dinner on Tuesday night, the kids and I chatted about the things we all each look forward to over the coming year. We had a meal based on the colours white, yellow, and orange to represent the return of the light - a chicken and chickpea curry served on rice!

After dinner I headed off for an Imbolc celebration with my women's group. We gathered outside and were able to be at a venue with a lovely firepit to sit around and discuss what things we'd like to let go of over the next year, and what things we'd like to work on creating. We then shared a delicious hot cup of chai tea! It was pretty cold out there in the beautiful, crisp, clear night, but nice and toasty by the fire.

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