
April 12, 2011

I've been sewing!

Over the last month or so I've been getting stuck into some sewing projects that I've been wanting to do (or rather, waiting for the inspiration or idea to hit me!) I have a pretty big stash of fabric that has been stacked up in my hallway on a shelf. So, pretty much in my face saying "what do you want to make?" every time I walk past it!

The shelf has now been relocated to inside Danielle's wardrobe, but still easy to access.

A dress for Danielle. Made from a fleecy cotton fabric I picked up from the Sallies shop for $1 a few years back. I lined it with a green t-shirt that didn't really work for me and scrappy leftovers for the pockets.

A merino dress for me. I bought this fabric for $10 from a local merino factory shop a few years back. I made the pattern up using an existing dress I have (and got the idea from a friend who'd already made several).

A tunic top for Danielle using a large size top I found at the Hospice shop. I worked to keep the cross over neck line and waist band.

I have a few overnight trips coming up soon and really wanted to make a funky bag to take my stuff away in (I only have one of those generic black overnight bags). This is a piece of heavy-weight (upholstery?) cotton fabric I bought for cheap a few years back. Very pleased to have a suitable project for it (I also have a piece the same in turquoise). I scoured the net for ideas that were simple enough and didn't require a zip.
 I found a large authentic leather plaited button in my button stash that was perfect for the closure.

A pinboard for Danielle's birthday. She'd been asking me for a board for several months, so I decided to make a colourful one to match her bedroom. I used ink and stamps to put the flower prints on, and bought a range of ribbons and flowers to embellish it with.


Juliet said...

Love the creative sewing! As a child I would have loved a little red riding hood cape like that.

Juliet said...

PS I've enjoyed looking at your blog posts, and thanks for visiting mine.

Nik said...

Thanks Juliet! Oooh, I bet she'll love it if I suggest to her that she's little red riding hood (without the big mean wolf lol).

Em said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again... I really do love that bag. I've noticed I have a bit of thing for darkish orange colours lately (wonder why?!) so that helps, but I love the shape and how tidy it looks too. You've inspired me to get into bag making again :) (I have two half finished already - if only I could set up my sewing space properly I might actually finish something lol)