
April 10, 2011

Garden Shed Preparation

Simon's been working here and there on preparing the foundation for the shed over summer - still has a little work to go, but it's getting there. We're now just waiting for the shed (currently at my parents' house) to be dismantled and brought around.

A few days back I visited our local Junk Shop at the dump. I'm not sure how long it's been there, but I've only recently heard of it. I was wanting to gather together some bits and pieces to deck out the shed with. I found this wee shelf unit (I plan to paint this with one of our leftover "greens" from our interior colours), a few pots/storage containers, a little native plant picture, a plaster hanging, and a fold down table that just had to come home with me (now set up in the kids end of the lounge with a table cloth on it).

The glass jars I got so I can make some lanterns with the kids some time.

All up I paid $9.

It can be dangerous business visiting 2nd hand shops though - it's a fine line between getting things for cheap (and often quirky that I couldn't just "buy" in a shop) and to suddenly start cluttering up the house with stuff that's not really wanted/needed even if things only cost a few cents or dollars. Argh!

I wonder if my chickens will become shed-climbers instead of tree-climbers?

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