Woohoo! So Spring officially started on the 1st but we seemed to have dipped back to mid-winter temperatures with 3-4 frosts over the past week. Gorgeous blue skies but cold Southerlies breezing up from Antarctica...brrrr.
It was so tempting to get all my seedlings out during all that lovely weather, but I managed to contain myself and keep them in pots on my sunlit porch for longer.
Yesterday I did decide to plant out the hardier of the seedlings - brassicas, spinach, silverbeet, beetroot, leeks and lettuces. My tomatoes, pumpkins, cucumbers and zucchini's and beans are still waiting till the frosts are over.
A few weeks back I discovered a HEAP of spring onions (green onions) in my garden that I sowed about a year ago - I thought they were onions that didn't do what they were meant to but just left them where they were...well, upon closer inspection I realised they weren't brown onions afterall! So I now have lovely plump spring onions all ready to use.
I have my potatoes out sprouting (last year I got caught out with heavy spring rains flooding the patch I'd chosen for the potatoes which caused them to rot and I had to start again!).
Pesky chickens keep changing where they lay their eggs. After discovering we have no eggs to collect for a day we watch where they disappear off to when I let them out the next morning and retrieve the little gifts left behind. The chickens just love the kids and spent a bit of time hanging out near them when they are down in the garden.
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