The sun was shining and there was no wind so don't mind the cold when it's like that.
I was out there at 10.30am and started to dig over the paths between the beds (just turned the weeds and grass into the ground). Then overlaid them with cardboard that I had soaked in the water trough. Simon arrived home with a wool sack full of mulch that came from my parents house and he set to work re-making the pond as I then spent most of the day digging and laying mulch and topping up one vege bed with surplus soil that was quite low. I had so much energy to burn (after being cooped up in the house all week with awful weather for the most part) that I think I did a week's worth of catch up.
I finally came in about 4pm and got stuck into the housework!
My poor, poor back is going to suffer tomorrow I suspect going on how I feel at the moment.
Anyway, I'm really pleased with the results of what we did and I had a few neat ideas on how to develop the garden further to make it seem more permanent. I've always felt that it's lacked definition and boundaries (despite being within a fenced yard) and I've really got a thing for gardens that have vertical structures within them. I need to take into account that the chicken coop gets moved around.
Before (well, a few months ago)
The kids kept themselves busy doing a bit of this...
Where it's now at...
I intend on mulching down the path from where I'm standing to take the photo and create a few terraces as steps going down (after slipping over today I thought up this idea!). I also will create a mulch border all the way around and complete the wide central one down to the pear tree. At the top left hand corner of the vege beds I will make a lowish (60cm) fence from some sticks we have to give it a nice organic look (running down the left hand side and across the top of the beds). I may then also plant some herb borders. I will continue to work on the food forest at the bottom - it only has the apple and tamarillo trees at present, but intend on adding to this over time.
During the week I got some seeds into the seed trays with help from the kids and have that set up in my bedroom to do its thing.
Wow the walkways look really impressive! Great idea.
I've been really active in the garden / kitchen & housework too, maybe we've had an early taste of the spring buzz? It's so nice to be spending time outside in the fresh air, even if we do have to run inside to warm up every now and then lol
It looks great!
What seeds are you planting?
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