So we spent the morning preparing for our Winter Solstice/Matariki dinner that we had decided on having tonight (the rising of Matariki is actually on the 24th). As a part of reconnecting with nature over the past year, we have been focusing on observing seasonal celebrations. So we talked about the winter solstice as being the shortest day of the year and from now on the days will get longer as summer will once again come around. Matariki is the Maori New Year, which occurs on the first new moon after the rising of Mataraki (a constellation) in the eastern sky at dawn.
Danielle collected flowers this morning and wanted to make a crown.
A basket of items to use for our decorations.
Adding some decorations. Suns and stars on the window, and lanterns in "sun" colours.
The table had a bowl of "sun" fruit (mandarins) and a bowl of "stored food for winter" (nuts and dried fruit). The candles were in "sun" colours.
Preparing the feast.
And...unfortunately I accidentally deleted the lovely photo of our food-laden, candle-lit table. Ah well. lol.
sounds great!! that book sounds like it's worth a look too - do tell if it's any good please!
yes, I think the book is worth getting. I found it a few days back (the current edition) on TM and got it. Anoushka actually recommended it to me ages ago.
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