
December 28, 2008

This afternoon we hung out at home. Nothing particularly interesting happened and was a fairly casual day.

I dug up one potato patch. The potatoes were smaller than the red skin variety and came from the patch that had been under water over spring and then got replanted out, so not sure what was up there. They were tasty anyway and we had them just boiled as new potatoes and served with melted butter with our dinner.

We finally got to move the chickens back onto the garden beds now that beds are being harvested. So the bed which had the beetroots, silverbeet and lettuces over winter now has the chickens to weed and refertilize it.

Caterpillars have been attacking my tomato plants on my front porch (a couple of them have now gone over 1.5m tall). So we've been out daily plucking the wee things off.

Danielle was walking around with her manky blankie this afternoon, it had gotten particularly stinky and grubby and she refuses to do an exchange anymore with the spare one anymore. So after not wanting it to go through the machine I suggested that she handwash it instead. So she lovingly spent a bit of time doing that (check out the state of the dirty water!!). Ewwww.

I found a new herb/flower in my garden today. I spotted it partly opened yesterday and noticed all open today. It's a Black Ball Cornflower. I got seeds with my herb order just coz I liked them.

My Calendula.


Ruth said...

love the black cornflower, it reminds me of nigella or 'love in a mist', a favourite of mine...and this garden I saw once that was all planted out in black flowers - a goth garden - it looked cool!

Johanna Knox said...

Sounds like you are having a lovely holiday break Nikki. What are the red potatoes - were they red rascal or something else?

Nik said...

Johanna, I'm not sure what the potatoes are! I really should have recorded what I bought, but didn't. I seem to have 2 varieties of reds though - one very vibrant dark pink and the other a pale pink almost peach colour.