Simon made the broody chicken a special little coop which is now situated inside the main coop (a heavy wooden lid is just placed over the opening) and propped it off the ground to keep her bottom airy lol. Poor girl, I do feel a bit mean doing this, but feel just as mean dragging her off the nest squarking at me and getting her all anxious. So I donned some leather gloves and picked her up out of the nesting box expecting the worst but was a lot easier than I expected, I think she's been getting less fiesty as each day goes by. She was straight into eating and drinking. So I'll give it a few days and if all else fails, I will leave the gloves for my friend to retrieve the eggs from under her if need be.
Some of my potato plants are flowering already. Don't recall that happening this time last year.
Have put the final courgette and all my capsicum seedlings in the garden. Have sown more carrot and onion seeds in a spare patch vacated by some gone-to-seed silverbeet.
I have some lovely sized peas almost ready to harvest from my front garden bed.
Found a little crafting apron in my nana's things which I had bought home knowing it could be put to use somewhere. When I was vacumming the other day I decided to put it on so I could collect up all those random bits and pieces that get found all around the house in corners and under curtains.
I picked the kids some flowers from our garden the other night and popped them in their bath to enjoy. Afterwards we scooped them out and arranged them in a bowl that I've left sitting on the vanity - days later and they still look lovely.
Made another skirt for a wee friend of the kids who turned 3 on Saturday. Why can I not feel that it was "ok" to just give the skirt and felt the need to pump the gift out with something bought too...sigh...
Loving my easy to make and super quick mayonnaise (and gluten free since a lot of store bought ones seem to contain wheat) to add to potato salad (fortunately no pregnant friends to worry about due to the raw egg in it).
1 egg
2 T vinegar
1/2 t mustard powder
1/2 t salt
1/2 t sugar
1 cup olive oil
Whizz it all together and done! Add to cooked potato cubes and chopped boiled potatoes, add in some fresh herbs (parsley or mint are good) or spring onions.
Hey Nikki - Thanks for sharing your mayonaise recipe - just been saying to S & K that we should have a go at making our own - so great to get a recommendation. Might have potato salad for dins tomorrow !
Mayonnaise sounds yum!
Yes, I can relate to that frustrating feeling of needing to bolster a homemade gift up with something bought as well. Why is that? Maybe recognising this impulse is the first step to getting rid of it. I'd like to try and stop doing this too.
Nikki when my parents were visiting recently, Mum said she had been planning on making Brighid a doll and then saw one Brighid already owns (a gift) which is a brightly coloured lamaze one. Mum thought she couldn't make one after that. I tried to convince her that one actually made by Nana would be so much more special than anything bought. Hope she heard how much I meant that.
I like the craft apron idea. Cannot tell you how many times I have vacuumed for 20 minutes at a stretch with a wadded up wrapper, paper clip etc making it's uncomfortable presence known in my sweaty hands. Hmmm....I might just try it! As for the homemade/purchased gift children often prefer to make cards and give some of their extra toys to their friends. "New" never enters into their minds, and I like that. It's amazing how we can get caught up in the "value trap" of something having greater value if it's new. I am enjoying your site! Thanks for doing it!
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