Just hangin' in the garden waiting for things to grow. Getting little buzzes from seeing new growth on plants that I've transplanted.
Just hangin' and enjoying life, finding the simple pleasures around our own home and backyard.
Just hangin' on edge wondering how the global financial situation is going to play out.
Just hangin' and getting our Civil Defence kit in order especially after watching a few doco's on TV last week as a part of our National Disaster Awareness week. Since I live in a place where "The Big One" is going to hit it made me refocus and reassess things.
I do wonder how to prepare for all the different possible scenario's though? We're in a good position for a Long Emergency type scenario where we'd be based in our own home. However, as far as getting away *right now* we aren't (or even to just relocate things outside of our house were it to risk falling down). I have everything scattered around our home but not sure how much to bring together and where to store it nor what to put it in.
Urgh, I need help to not just hang and take action. Off to hunt down the civil defence website Now!
Hmm - yes - good point about needing to be prepared to stay put *or* move. Like you we have everythng scattered ... okay, new task ...
Thanks chile, will check it out. I spent some time yesterday gathering together a full set of clothes for each of us including shoes and have them in my car. But will work on building up a proper kit and getting us each a backpack.
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