I found myself laughing and highly amused the other night.
My parents came over to catch up and have a glass of wine on Friday night. Somehow the conversation moved onto emergency preparedness after having watched the Disaster Awareness doco's the week before. Since my mum works in the big city where the highest risk exists (and the fact there is only one road out of the city and probably a good day or so walk home) we started playing around with different scenarios. She works up on the 7th floor and was saying that she's been gradually building up her supplies at work (walking shoes, change of clothing, water bottle, snack food etc) and then stepdad got in on it and they started talking about where she'd go for the safest place in the case of the building collapsing and then how she'd go about getting out of the building. Now, my parents are keen cavers and climbers - so of course, this was going to feature as a part of the escape plan. Next thing you know, my mum is now going to have: a 25 metre rope, harness with a variety of clips, overalls (just happen to be white), dust mask and goggles. I'm literally rolling around on the floor stiffling the laughter as they get down to serious conversation. So if you see the lady walking the hills after the big one wearing that arrangement - look out, bet she's a scary sight and you'd wonder what toxic scene she's just come from! Of course, at least she'd have a good chance of getting out of her building - you'd just hope the tsunami wouldn't then rip up the street and get her. Yikes!
Love that they can be more crazy than me. I appear totally normal now.
The extent of my get away pack has involved getting together a change of clothes for all of us (to deal with all seasons) and a pack to put it in. Still need to sort out water and some food. Currently, just the clothing is in my car in plastic bags awaiting the next stage.
Hahahha - I love it. I always like the sound of your family.
I've been thinking about papers/photos etc. We haven't done that thing they advise of having documents and a few precious personal/sentimental items in one place where they are easily accessible - and must get onto it.
Johanna, yep, we always have good conversations around here lol!
I was also reviewing the CD site the other day and pondering the papers etc, but mine are all together near enough to the front door anyway, it would just be a case of remembering them in the case of an emergency.
Chile, absolutely. they're pretty much used to bucking the trend and doing their own thing.
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