
October 25, 2008

The BEST pumpkin

This evening I decided to cut into the last remaining pumpkin from the autumn harvest back in March.

I harvested 10 from memory, gave 3 away and ate through the others. By then, we were totally OVER pumpkin and we haven't eaten any in this house for probably 6mths. The last pumpkin (which was my 6.3kg beauty) has just been biding it's time out on my front porch getting good air and light (so 7.5mths!).

I had a sudden urge to cut into it to add to our roast meal tonight and was impressed with the deep orange colour on the inside. The previous pumpkins were quite pale, almost yellowy and not all that flavoursome (in fact, bordering on bitter).

YUM! It cooked up so well too, and was very sweet and moist and about the most delicious pumpkin I've ever tasted. Nathan declared that it tasted like "goodies and sweets" and gobbled it up.

Now, just to figure out what to do with the remainder!


Johanna Knox said...

Wow - sounds delicious ... reading your earlier post on that pumpkin as well - it's cool that you have a shop that takes surplus spray free produce ... Where is that - is it Pprm?

Nik said...

There is one up in waikanae (I haven't actually been there though) and I have heard of another one too in Paekak I think.

Nancy said...

I love to read your post... you have some words in your part of the world we don't use here and I love to adopt them... flavoursome...a great word!

Sharonnz said...

Pumpkin Pie!! I'll see if I can hunt out a nice GF pastry recipe for you.

Anonymous said...

YUM! I loved Nathan's description, pretty cool when veggies can be described so tastily!
If you didn't get through 10 last season, how are you going to cope with the 300 you're heading for this year? lol

Nik said...

Nancy, you had me googling the word to check that it was real lol, but yes, it is hehe.

Sharon, mmmm, I was thinking pumpkin pie, would love to know if you have a gf pastry recipe. I made a gf pear pie (excess pears lol) with a gf pastry and it was super yummy! So much sugar and butter though...

Chile, yeah, sure is hard to get through it all lol!

Free, I know! Fortunately I will be pulling out the majority before they overrun my garden! It was bad enough last year wading through them. Some will die off and not produce, so I plan to allow more than I need to just go for it and see what happens. Especially if they turn out so yummy the more they mature.