(not my tree)
The blossoms on our plum tree are in full bloom and the days are feeling a bit warmer and definitely longer...
So, despite (or maybe because of) the stormy weather we've been having, today I felt completely inspired to do a bit of clearing out. The doors were opened to let the warm sun in, air out our home and bring fresh vibrant energy in.
I rearranged furniture in Nathan's room to make room for a new chest of drawers we'd been given, put some of his unused toys into Danielle's room (particularly the chunky toy animals that she loves) and re-sorted their bookcases. Simon and Nathan spent a while cleaning the deck, outdoor furniture and kids playhouse after the stormy weather and the masses of sandpit sand that that was everywhere and stuck to everything.
Last night I was sorting out sewing materials when, due to a power blackout in our area, I had Simon's headlamp on to see what I was doing.
Fortunately, the fireplace was still able to provide boiling water for a cup of hot chocolate.
Today the chickens finally had a whole day out to scratch and run around.
So it was a successful weekend where I decluttered a lot, tossed a little, recycled some and donated some more.
Yep spring is definitely coming! I've done a whole lot of organising / cleaning / rearranging today too. All the windows open, a buzz in the air, enjoying the sunshine (and then hiding from the wind, geez the weather changes so fast these days!).
Roll on spring!
Nothing feels so good as decluttering and getting organized.
So you guys had sunshine? Must be nice...
Nikki I always enjoy your blog but I'm finding it particularly wonderful this last fortnight or so. I've thought many responses and posted hardly any of them. So even this comment is in the wrong place, I am going to join Johanna's group.
I used to run a food coop in the UK with friends and it was great. Here in isolated smallwettown, just getting organic at all is an achievement let alone negotiating trade prices. There is a group in Hoki which have started a coop but now it costs $14 to drive to Hoki...
Free and DA - yep, so nice with the sunshine around and getting things decluttered!
Sandra - thanks! What a shame buying in organic isn't a viable venture for you.
Hi - a quick message to Sandra if you are reading this - it would be great if you joined our foraging group! I visit your blog often since discovering it via Nikki's!
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