
August 06, 2008

Frog research

So, since we've decided to add a frog pond to the garden (and knowing nothing about frogs except my poor tadpole that turned into a frog overnight and escaped its bowl with I was 4) I have just been off researching.

Seems we have most of the supplies needed - plastic to make the pond, rocks and branches for the sides and a rain-water supply nearby. We would just need to find some water plants and then most importantly provide some shade for the pond. At the moment as you can see in the pic below the garden is fully exposed during summer (during winter is mostly shaded). What we have just decided to do is make a corner frame from bamboo on the north side of the pond that I can grow peas around. The frame may actually also have a "roof" for peas to grow over the top of the pond too.


Johanna Knox said...

Frogs' legs? :)

Nik said...

LOL - as in they can leave the pond to get shade? Yep, thought of that, but also have the horrible thought of that saying of frogs in slowly boiling

Johanna Knox said...

Oh ... no sorry... i really was thinking of the French dish ...! Hope it wasn't tactless!!!

Sharonnz said...

The kids wanna book in a visit once they've arrived!

Nik said...

LOL Johanna! no, not tactless, we often jokingly look at our animals around here and imagine a chicken drum or roast leg walking past (oops, sorry vegetarians hehe).

Sharon - yep, you're on!