This post is really just a note to myself to keep track of my ever-wandering-ever-sidetracking mind. Anyone else set off on a path and totally end up elsewhere? I have a bunch of partly researched projects stored in my head that I need to write down so I can begin to finish off what I started...
~ Grain grinders (not needing a wheat grinder)
~ Good corn to grow for drying/grinding
~ How to dry/grind/store corn and other grains/seeds (including preparation of hominy which is the process of making other nutrients within the corn readily available)
~ Growing herbs
~ Harvesting, drying and storing herbs
~ Planning out my rotation/successional planting for this years crops and for future years
~ Various methods of growing potatoes
~ Whether I can make potato flour
~ Find some plans for making my own solar oven
~ Beans to grow for drying purposes (Sandra?)
~ Foraging wild foods
And I think I need to reorganise my favourites, my word documents and related folders and even getting around to printing out the info that I want to have on hand.
Hello Nikki,
I'm similar with half-formed ideas in my head, and various lists of things to look into or do. Equally I have word docs, PDF's, bookmarked favourites, emails I've sent to myself and photocopies of pages from books and magazines all forming part of my 'work in process'.
Who'd have thought pursuing simplicity could be so complicated ;)
Regards, Gary
lol - yes - I agree with Gary simplicity is complicated! ... maybe especially when we feel there is some kind of urgency attached to it (as I guess most of us do now).
Nikki - I totally relate. I think it is the generalist's curse... It's hard wanting to learn about and do just about everything!! :o)
Maybe, further down the track, some of us will have to start really specialising a bit more ... it might make sense from a community efficiency point of view?? ... but I guess if you're one of the few on a new path to a different kind of simpler life **at this point in time** ... you need to be doing lots of different things - for many reasons. (Not least of which is that it's a chance to discover where your new specialist gifts might lie ...)
By the way - interested in your mention of drying corn ... does that include popcorn? I have no idea what goes into growing and making popcorn, but I'd be really interested to know!
Hi Nikki,
That's what I count in my head as the last thing to go in my pursuit for simplicity...the laptop! I've got so many folders full of 'important information' I fear that I may find it hard to let go...does anyone know how to set up a satellite internet connection made from tin foil and powered by the sun?
Yes - saying goodbye to computers would/will be hard!
Sometimes I feel like we are in this desperate frenzy of computer use - using them to gain as much of the knowledge we'll need from each other as possible - before the plug gets pulled for good ...
Gary - lol, certainly not the simple way heh?
Johanna, I think you have hit the nail on the head - so much to learn, so little time. And I think I am trying to cover all bases because I don't know where to tap into for specialist help. And yeah, still trying to find my own niche. Yes, popcorn will be on my list! DH and the kids eat heaps. Haven't seriously looked for seeds yet, but will do. I *think* you need different seeds?
Emmani, yep, computer will be the last to go! Mind you, could be a relief too, get stuck in and get things done!
Much to think about aye? Despite reading that I could grow potatoes in straw, last year I found that potatoes only really grew in soil for me and the straw filled tyres were a flop. So I'll be going traditional this year.
I only harvested a handful of borlotti beans last year but will try again this year. I'm leaving the grain and mostly the beans-for-dry-storage issues to one side this year and focusing on getting good at what we have started. I've got green winter food going well and more root vegetables is my next project. Summer I have prjects lined up for but I'm much more relaxed about summer food supplies than winter.
Gillian Polson's book on herbs in NZ is worth reading. I'm expanding my herb garden and knowledge slowly and have an acquaintance further south who I'm hoping I can persuade to run a workshop on local weeds which are herbs and other useful medicinal herb information relevant to what can be grown here.
Thanks Sandra! Hmmm, maybe I'll do the bulk of my potatoes traditional and just trial the other methods. Yeah, I only got a handful of dried beans from my scarlett runners - might give something else a go as well. How cool if you could get your local lady to talk on herbs. Have you checked out Johanna's blog and her google group for identifying local weeds? We're not active yet, but looking for others to join.
Thanks Chile! Will check those links out.
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