
June 15, 2008

Challenge #4

1. Plant something. Today I repotted my first lot of seedlings (with Danielle's help) out of the propogator into potting mix and they are now sitting out on my covered over porch away from any frosts to grow bigger before popping into the garden.

2. Harvest something. Just more silverbeet, herbs and eggs!

3. Preserve something. Not preserving as such, but at playcentre last week someone had left a bay leaf tree branch for people to help themselves (is that even how it would be described?) - so I grabbed a small branch off with leaves to bring home and dry. I didn't even realise bay leaves came from a tree (not that I've ever had any to use, only picked them out of dishes that someone else has cooked!).

4. Prep something. Have moved the chickens over again, so I now have two sunny plots to put my seedlings when they're big enough.

The shade structure I wrote about last week has been built, so I look forward to finding some fruit vines to put against it in spring.

5. Cook something new. Some old recipes here again this week! I am about to type up a list of our favourites for a friend though to share with her some new recipes.

6. Manage your reserves. Nothing new foodwise.

7. Work on local food systems. I did receive a link for building community though. It is a site where you can log any skills, knowledge, tools or land that you are happy to share with your community. It is a way of breaking away from needing to trade using money and getting to know the people around you. I was the first to join in my town, but since sending out an email, several more have joined (and they weren't people who I sent it to, but I know them).

Today we took our new bike trailer out on its first ride down to the shopping centre. It was a real conversation starter lol. People commented and struck up conversation along the way. We took a lovely bike route (actually all farmland with a decent path) which meant we only travelled a very small distance on the roads and it was a very busy thoroughfare full of walkers and cyclists. The kids enjoyed the ride, although Nathan is really too big for it (or maybe he felt squished because his sister fell asleep against his shoulder and he had to put his arm around her to stop her slumping around). Later on, Simon wanted to pop down to the local shops, so he towed Danielle and Nathan rode his bike. So I had 4 carless days this week!


Frances said...

Thanks for posting that link to Freeconomy - it looks interesting! I'll have to sit down and take a good look at it soon.

I really like your challenges each week. I'm thinking I should try to do something along those lines as well, as (especially at this time of year) I'm feeling a bit BLAH about gardening etc. I just want to curl up inside with a book.

Sandra said...

When are you planning to plant your seedlings out Nikki? I'm guessing they are cold hardy things like cauliflower and kale? Still not terribly cold here in terms of frosts. I'm sure the silverbeet had bolted long before now last year, but it's still producing well without yearning to seed just yet.

Nik said...

Cesca, yeah, the challenge has definitely helped me keep the pace on a few things ticking over. Nothing much, but it helps me realise that there are always things to be done and much less work when spread out every week.

Sandra, yep, all cold hardy seedlings (brassicas, spring onion, leeks) - I'm not sure when I'll put them out, maybe in another few weeks if they look strong enough (they're still very fragile). We are still getting quite a bit of warm weather as well. My silverbeets are also still producing strongly without sign of bolting, but will freeze them if it comes to that which will give me heaps to keep going till spring.

Gypsy said...

Freeeconomy looks neat - want to have a really good read. I didn't realise you were playcentre people (I really should read your other blog shouldn't I!) - I have been doing some playcentre reading and its a great philosophy - although I agree that you really should be a Steiner mum. I have a baytree here - its massive. If we ever meet IRL I will give you a cutting - several have successfully transplanted and it is beautiful bay.

Nik said...

Gypsy - yep, playcentre family here although only once a week. I am a little more unschooly than their approach though (I follow more of a Steiner approach with allowing kids to self-direct and discover their own activities without too much parental involvement unless asked for). I also really like the nature based influence of Steiner along with learning through living even though I did these things before knowing about Steiner lol). There are quite a few Steiner families at our Playcentre who then move onto kindy at 4 due to the shared philosophy in the early years. Thanks for the offer of a baytree cutting - shame I live so far away though.