
April 07, 2008

I spent my day...

Sitting on my bed trying to complete my organic horticulture course assignments (boy that brings back memories of studying all set up on the bed away from others but no desk available - I prefer it like this anyway - plenty of space to spread out in!).

We have our final week this Wednesday. Although the assignments don't need to be done by then, I just want to knock a couple off before then (had 3 to get through). So I spent hours on and off today while Simon spent time with the kids and got through my permaculture assignment. It was really worthwhile doing and I have identified a few areas that I can improve on as far as zones go. I haven't got the most efficient set up at the moment. My compost bins are close to the house for being able to empty the scraps from the house, but the bins are too far from the garden and where the compost is required. It worked fine when I didn't have a garden or chickens, but now that I do, it makes better sense to relocate the bins back down there since I visit it daily because of the chooks.

I also require a garden shed - at the moment my tools are very uncared for and left lying around the yard because I can't be bothered accessing the garage everytime I want to get something out (need my key for the padlock, then would have to open the main garage door to get stuff out, that's heavy blah blah - just doesn't happen). So that will be on the plans in the next 6mths in time for spring.

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