
April 11, 2008

Deep cleaning

A sudden burst of energy came over me today and I decided to get stuck into my kitchen and remove a bit of grime. It'd gotten kind of embarassing really. I've mopped the floors randomly over the years, but it has been bugging me for a while that the kitchen floors just look grimy. Yuck! So this afternoon I got down on my hands and knees and scrubbed it! Then I moved on to removing the fly poo from the walls and ceiling since most of the summer flies have died off. Then I had to wipe down the cupboards. Then a thorough vacuuming (after butchering my vacuum cleaner which had lost it's suck but is now fantastic!) of the rest of the house and mopping the floors. I really went to town over it. So much nicer too. I think I might try doing a few more "deep" cleaning chores a bit more frequently to avoid the build up - let's see how long that thought lasts. Fortunately the kids were happy to play outside for a lot of that time - so, I might have cleaned up one lot of mess inside, but they sure made up for it outside...

1 comment:

Gypsy said...

Ooh, I always find a bit of deep cleaning therepeutic, for some reason I always do it more at this time of year. I think its getting ready to bunker down for the winter!