
March 03, 2008

More tomatoes!

Over the last week I collected up another 3.5kg of tomatoes. So yesterday I cooked up some more tomato fondue. Tonight we used a thick portion on our pizza - it is so yummy, yummy, yummy and the kids love it (in fact Danielle ate hers off the pizza and left the pizza base). I'm just posting this as a reminder to myself how much I harvested this season. Strangely though, I only ended up with about 1.5 litres of sauce as a result (and that included all the onions). We scooped out the skins (I didn't bother to pre-peel them this time) and the hard lumpy top bit - but it wouldn't have been that much of a loss to the overall weight. I know that a fair portion evaporated since I like the sauce thick, but wow, I expected a lot more I guess.

There are still masses of tomatoes ripening. I think I planted about 15 plants and I ended up with about 3 self seeded plants. Next year I need to look at organically fertilizing the plants too coz the tomatoes are all pretty small (a bit larger than a cherry tomato) and I suspect that that is because of lack of fertilization rather than the variety.


Anonymous said...

Hi Nikki

I would gladly swap my grandmothers spicy tomato sauce recipe for your tomato fondue one :)

We had the cooler weather here too,lasted 2 days and now we are back to high 30's-40's...ugh!

Your dog stealing the carrots is similar to one of my posts on my blog, only my two stole all our goosberries lol


Sandra said...

Congratulations on your harvest Nikki.

Have you got comfrey growing? It needs a patch on its own apparently as it is invasive. But I ask because comfrey and seaweed brew is supposed to be excellent tomato fertiliser. Will be part of next year's project here - I've got the comfrey growing now and hoping it will get more invasive within the borders of the bed it is in so I get more leaves from it.