
December 20, 2007

A vegetarian version

I used to make a really yummy fish pie - then we stopped eating fish
Then, I substituted the fish to make a really yummy chicken pie - but we only buy chicken about once a month

So, tonight I felt like "the pie" but wasn't sure what to use in place of chicken or fish - but thought chickpeas might make a nice alternative. It was a success! And the kids ate it. We'll be having this one again.

600gm potatoes
2-3 eggs
3 Tbspns butter
3 Tbspns flour
1 cup milk
300gm cooked chickpeas
1/2 cup water
1/4 cup chopped parsley
2 spring onions (I used the equivalent in leeks)
1 cup frozen corn (I used chopped up kale)
Grated cheese for the top

Boil the potatoes (I add extra veges in here), add the eggs to the same pot for hardboiling.

Mash the vegetables.

In a pan melt the butter, add the flour and mix in, add milk to make a thick sauce. Add in the onions, other veges, parsley and chickpeas. Pour in the water and chopped up boiled eggs. Stir till cooked through.

Put chickpea sauce into a casserole dish, cover with the mashed potato and top with grated cheese.

Bake for 15mins at 180 degrees.


Sandra said...

What kind of flour did you use Nikki?

Nik said...

Hi ya, I just use rice flour for general purpose thickening etc. Cornflour or arrowroot would be fine too.