
December 17, 2007

Processin' the Plums

We've been busy up that tree picking the plums over the past few days since they have well and truely ripened. But oh, what to do with them all! We have probably picked a good 14kgs so far (one heaped basket = 2.5kg) and still more to go that are still in the process of ripening.

I have given away a few bags, but that still leaves heaps.

On Saturday I decided to use the dehydrator and attempted fruit leathers. Not so much because I want my kids to eat them as snacks (uh uh, don't need cavaties here) but just to reduce them down and decide what to do with them later whether to make jam or just to add to yoghurt over winter when there is less other fruit to be eaten.

I also froze some of the puree in ice cubes.

Then tonight I decided to bite the bullet and make some jam. What usually puts me off is the whole steralizing process. But I did it, and got these lovely 4 jars for all my effort.

Simon even got to eat fresh jam on some toast and announced it wonderful.

I still have a jar of fresh puree that I will use tomorrow when I attempt to make some Plum Ice Cream - yum, yum!