
November 16, 2007

My new favourite vegetable


We were down in the garden this morning letting the chickens out for a run around and just generally hanging out down there when I spotted one of my spinach plants looking "kind of ready". I couldn't say for sure what it was at the time, but grabbed a leaf and munched. What a crunch it had! It was quite sweet and very edible. It almost had "depth" to it unlike regular spinach which is very leafy in comparison.

I suspected it was my New Zealand Spinach, which not only had I never eaten (what is with that?), but I had never even heard of before embarking on growing my own vegetables!

So after riffling through my bag of seed packets I couldn't locate one for NZ Spinach, but google confirmed my suspicions.

It is a strange plant and is actually a vine (succulent hence it being fleshy in texture) and not actually real spinach at all. It is full of nutrients and great as a salad addition - or maybe a wee fresh snack when I'm down gardening!

1 comment:

Chile said...

The new tastes experienced with growing native or local varieties of edibles makes it well worth the effort. Have fun munching while you work!