
October 09, 2007

My potato experiment

I had some seed potatoes left over today after planting out another bed. So I decided to see how easy these things really are to grow and what sort of conditions they do ok in. I hear often that potatoes will grow in any sort of soil.

So, some ended up in my mulch/kinda compost pile - very loose type arrangement with compost at the bottom. There were about 7 put in there. Then I plonked another half a dozen or so up on my front lawn area in the designated herb spiral which only has a few herbs in it so far, that's fairly sandy once through the top thin layer where the grass is.

There's nothing like learning through experience.


Moonwaves said...

Potatoes are so rewarding to grow - says she who had to chop down her first attempts this year 'cos they all got blight (at least I got to go digging last week to see if any tubers survived and yay, 1.2 kilos of spuds all for me!). I think I tried to post a comment last week when you were talking about potatoes but was having some blogger problems. I found it took weeks for the plants to show up but then once they had started poking up through the soil they took off and I could practically see them growing before my eyes. I'd go out in the garden and look at them on my way out, then cut the grass, do bits and pieces and head back in to the house an hour later and be convinced they were bigger already.

I also think I just found a spinach plant in my "failed" bed where I thought nothing had grown. It did get full of weeds and when I was pulling them out this weekend I found something that might be spinach (but with very mature leaves). I've picked off most of the leaves and will see if more grow back. Also need to find the gardening diary I started to see if I did actually plant spinach in that spot. Could be.

Nik said...

Thanks for that. I am amazed at how fast my first potato bed has sprouted up. I went down this morning and heaped the first lot of soil around the plants. Quite exciting really to think of them growing under there. Sorry to here yours got blight, I'd be really bummed about that too.