
October 25, 2007

Just a bit of chit-chat

Nothing too much going on in the garden really - we're kind of in between with plants growing, seedlings doing their thing and not a lot else going on. But at least we have sunshine and no blowing gales - I've been feeling on edge at not being able to get out into the garden even if to just to hang with the chickens!


~ We collected 3 eggs today. I am relieved to finally know that I do have 3 girls in there, I was starting to wonder. One of the eggs was really big and the size of a full size egg - I'm wondering if it came from the black chicken since she is a bit larger than the other two.

~ Two of the chickens now let me pat them and pick them up, I love stroking their silky feathers. Nathan's dying to have a pat of them too.

~ I found a starling (bird) inside their coop this morning when I went down to feed them! Bizarre! It flew out easily when I went over the opposite side of the coop and it found it's way out - was like it was never in there. The chickens weren't phased.

~ A pair of ducks were in my driveway this afternoon - maybe I'm turning into the Bird Lady??!!

~ Planted out another lot of seedlings - beetroot, brocolli, lettuces, leeks, cucumber, cabbages

~ Have put stakes in the ground for my tomatoes and sunflowers for when they need it

~ My strawberry plants have flowers

~ Bought myself some yoga DVDs - have really missed going to classes, but my post-baby pelvic floor muscles shame me everytime - so need to do it in the safety of my own home!

1 comment:

Melanie Rimmer said...

I sometimes find garden birds in the chicken coop, too. I think they like the feeling of security from birds of prey, cats etc. that 2" chickenwire gives them!